Hey, Mama!! Welcome!

G. Ginna. Gin. Mama. Ginnajane. Mommy. Babes. All are names I answer to, but who am I?!

I am a daughter of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

I am a wife to Tyler.

I am a Mommy to three precious girls.

I am constantly learning about myself and struggling through how to be the most honest version of that self to date.

I am a friend, a seeker-of-joy, a truth-teller, and intent listener.

I am a homebody who loves to travel. I like having my family close to me and I try to keep boundaries in our calendar to create space for us to have fun then rest.

I like baseball hats and fun earrings, sunshine and comfy dresses, cozy cardigans and my very specific pair of Ray-Bans!!

I married my best friend 13 (AGH!) years ago. We have driven from North Carolina to Alaska (with a short stop in Missouri x2) and back. We spent the first four years of our marriage on the opposite coast as our families. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was the greatest gift the Lord could have given us!!

Together we have three precious girls and if I’m honest, being a wife and mommy were my biggest dream as a little girl and deepest desire as a young adult.

I cannot wait to share my story with you!! Feel free to tell me a little about who you are, too. I hope you pull up a chair and stay a while!
