Welcome, Mama!

Motherhood matters — now more than ever. Pull up a chair and stay a while!

I’m so glad you’re here!

I pray you find this is a safe place to land on hard days and a joyful place to celebrate happy moments in between! I believe motherhood is one of the most extraordinary gifts, but it isn’t and can’t be one-size-fits-all. 

We were each given unique and wonderful gifts that were developed (some more than others!) long before we ever were pregnant or held our first precious babe. Those unique gifts are a puzzle piece in the life of our children as those gifts work together with the unique gifts they were born with. 

Is it always a perfect match? No. Do we sometimes bump heads? Absolutely. But at the end of the day there is joy in motherhood and we were given the most perfect gifts to use to develop the little people that we’ve been given to raise.

Thank you for stopping by; I hope you pulled up a chair, got a glass of sweet tea and chose to stay for a bit.

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