
Honoring our Great Nation

Love for our great nation

Quite frankly, I’m heartbroken over the current state of our great nation. I love her, but I’m a little over the ruling class (both sides of the aisle) running her and her guiding principles into the ground. Our nation was built on truth, independence, and a deep desire to have self sufficient citizens with the smallest government possible. Sometimes it feels like we are getting farther and farther from that.

My family took a beating over the last year for a country who seemingly couldn’t care less and a mission that I’m not quite sure we should be involved in. But it pales in comparison to those families who gave it all! I will always. ALWAYS. be ridiculously grateful to those who laid down their life for America and our freedom. I will also be incredibly grateful to their families because I cannot imagine what that knock on the door feels like or what the days after hold. ⭐️

This Memorial Day if you want to post flags and be super pro-America, awesome. Do it tomorrow and the next day, too. Do it by defending truth, defending the principles America was founded on. Dig deep and find courage to stand up to the destruction that is taking place within our borders and government houses — you can stand up, too.

What if honoring those who gave it all looked different this year? What if we turn off mainstream media, ask questions, and think critically about recent events? What if we use our hands to love our neighbors instead of being keyboard warriors who regurgitate MSM talking points? What if we have calm, thoughtful discussions with people who may disagree with us?! What if we chose to celebrate things that we have in common instead of looking for things to divide us? Be brave and honor those who gave it all to our great nation. 🇺🇸

Lean Into Gifts

Lean into gifts

So, Ginna, you’ve blogged before?! Yes, yes I have, BUT I was often inconsistent and visionless as I wrote (or didn’t write). During that time I let comparison steal the joy!! I thought “my pictures aren’t good enough” or “what do I write about?” or “should I put pictures of the girls on the internet?” In hindsight I see those were excuses and the devil bending my ear and heart away from two of my most precious gifts — writing and motherhood. I have been affirmed in those things from strangers and divinely placed friends over the last few years and I am going to lean into the gifts I’ve been given in hopes of being used for good and making motherhood a more joyful place.

I have always been confident in my mothering. I don’t get it right every time, I don’t always have an instant answer or know precisely what to do, but most of the time I am confident. I say this to you NOT AT ALL to brag or boast or lift myself up. I say this to you because I know deep in my soul that that is a gift — not something all mothers have nor something I have on my own accord. The more mothers I meet, the more that I see crying out for affirmation, encouragement, and inclusion. The longer I sit and listen, I see that the Lord gave me this gift to be shared — to affirm, encourage, and include.

Comparison was used to try to hide the light of the Lord that lives in me. It was used to hide and to find excuses not to write and share my gifts of encouragement and mothering and kindness with women who may need it at a precise moment.

Mama friend, yes you, I am praying that we can journey down this road together. That you feel safe and encouraged here. That you will lean into the gifts you’ve been given. That you find a virtual home here and a gentle place to land. Lord knows, we were built for community, He designed us that way (!!), so let’s dig in and do this together! A

Our story

Our Story

I was talking to a young, almost engaged friend earlier this week and was blown away that somehow 15 years have passed since that incredibly fun and exciting time in my life. The excitement, the anticipation, the love that you think can’t possibly get better and yet somehow it does .. every. single. year. Am I right? Then you look back and can see the building blocks of your story and how they work together to craft a life seemingly overnight.

Tyler and I met at Wake Forest through mutual friends at the end of our freshman year. We communicated the summer after and hung out as friends through the fall of sophomore year. Second semester came and Tyler pursued me. Looking back I can see it so clearly, but at the time had no idea how intentional he was. We started dating mid-semester and I RAN a few weeks later. Terrified of both the overwhelming love for him and reality of his impending Army career, I played the “we’re too good of friends” card (whatever that means) and said good-bye. But, through it all he had faith and he pursued me.

We spent about two weeks praying, reading the Bible, and conversing about what we were supposed to do and at the end of those weeks we began dating again with the intention of never looking back. His persistence is one of the biggest gifts I’ve been given. Without his undeniable faith in the Lord and in me, we likely wouldn’t be here today.

We dated for a year and half before getting engaged then were married three weeks after graduation the following year. At the time we thought we knew so much and that we couldn’t possibly love each other more. 15 years later and both of those statements couldn’t be more wrong. I am amazed at how the story continues to unfold and get better with time. When I look back, I am in awe of the pieces God ordained earlier in our story to get us to where we are today and where we’ll be in the future.

Hey, Mama!! Welcome!

G. Ginna. Gin. Mama. Ginnajane. Mommy. Babes. All are names I answer to, but who am I?!

I am a daughter of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

I am a wife to Tyler.

I am a Mommy to three precious girls.

I am constantly learning about myself and struggling through how to be the most honest version of that self to date.

I am a friend, a seeker-of-joy, a truth-teller, and intent listener.

I am a homebody who loves to travel. I like having my family close to me and I try to keep boundaries in our calendar to create space for us to have fun then rest.

I like baseball hats and fun earrings, sunshine and comfy dresses, cozy cardigans and my very specific pair of Ray-Bans!!

I married my best friend 13 (AGH!) years ago. We have driven from North Carolina to Alaska (with a short stop in Missouri x2) and back. We spent the first four years of our marriage on the opposite coast as our families. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was the greatest gift the Lord could have given us!!

Together we have three precious girls and if I’m honest, being a wife and mommy were my biggest dream as a little girl and deepest desire as a young adult.

I cannot wait to share my story with you!! Feel free to tell me a little about who you are, too. I hope you pull up a chair and stay a while!